From an Overcomer, at her GED Graduation:
Growing up I was never really a bad kid, I was just caught in the wrong crowd. I started skipping school, sneaking out, started using drugs, and just lost all motivation. I was told I’d never get anywhere in life. That I needed to “grow up,” but no one really understood the battles I was fighting in my own head. No one understood the many suicide attempts and claimed it was “just for attention” when it was just me giving up on myself.
I went to jail a couple of times, went to rehab and got the help I didn’t realize I needed. As of October 15, 2023, I hit a year of sobriety. To the average person that may not seem like a big deal, but to me as a recovering addict that 1 year is a huge deal.
Since I came into the Refuge City family, I’ve grown not just academically but as a person as well. I’ve opened my heart and mind to God, I found my worth and purpose, and I realized I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
My first time around in this program I had no motivation or self-confidence, I still had the thought that I couldn’t do it. But as my second time around came I felt like it was God telling me “you can do it.”
I made a promise to my grandma and to myself that I WILL GRADUATE… and with this diploma in my hand I’ve held my ground and did everything I told myself I was going to do. It wasn’t easy, it took time, dedication, motivation, and a positive mindset. There were days where I wanted to quit all over again and hide from the world, but I was so close to my goal that I just took it one step at a time.
I couldn’t have done it without all the positivity surrounding me, and people picking me up each time I fell.