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We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.


In Romans 4:17, Paul talks to the saints in Rome about how God “gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did [exist].”

In Romans 8:37, Paul says that it doesn’t matter whether the saints are impacted by tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril or sword, they “are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

At Refuge City, we combine these two concepts when we refer to the youth we serve as “Overcomers.” We do this so they hear and understand that we see them as victorious over their trauma, even as they are working through it with our trauma-informed counselors.

*Lola earned her GED in September of 2024 after starting and stopping her education with us three times over two years. During this time, Lola had to overcome family struggles, personal doubt, and testifying against her trafficker. But, she overcame her life circumstances and now plans to enroll in community college soon! Lola is proof that God’s model for restoring and educating families through Refuge City is working.

*Lisa grew up in foster care until she was 14 years old when she re-joined her mother and brother. Her mother was a recovering drug addict. Shortly after moving back in with her mom, she got a boyfriend. He flattered her and filled her time, establishing a strong emotional connection. She ended up spending years being taken from one motel to another all over Texas. Her mother and the police eventually found her and rescued her. When she came to Refuge City, she was angry and bitter. A year later, she is reconciled with her mother, graduated from school and testifying against her traffickers who were sentenced to 65 years. She is now becoming a licensed aesthetician.

From an Overcomer, at her GED Graduation:

Growing up I was never really a bad kid, I was just caught in the wrong crowd. I started skipping school, sneaking out, started using drugs, and just lost all motivation. I was told I’d never get anywhere in life. That I needed to “grow up,” but no one really understood the battles I was fighting in my own head. No one understood the many suicide attempts and claimed it was “just for attention” when it was just me giving up on myself.

I went to jail a couple of times, went to rehab and got the help I didn’t realize I needed. As of October 15, 2023, I hit a year of sobriety. To the average person that may not seem like a big deal, but to me as a recovering addict that 1 year is a huge deal.

Since I came into the Refuge City family, I’ve grown not just academically but as a person as well. I’ve opened my heart and mind to God, I found my worth and purpose, and I realized I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

My first time around in this program I had no motivation or self-confidence, I still had the thought that I couldn’t do it. But as my second time around came I felt like it was God telling me “you can do it.”

I made a promise to my grandma and to myself that I WILL GRADUATE… and with this diploma in my hand I’ve held my ground and did everything I told myself I was going to do. It wasn’t easy, it took time, dedication, motivation, and a positive mindset. There were days where I wanted to quit all over again and hide from the world, but I was so close to my goal that I just took it one step at a time.

I couldn’t have done it without all the positivity surrounding me, and people picking me up each time I fell.

When we met Kyle* in February of 2022, he was in juvenile jail. We visited him weekly and brought a book of interest to strengthen his reading and prepare him for the GED—he finished every book before our next visit. His relationship with his mom, Sandra*, was strained from years of trauma, but through family counseling and our Restorative Care Program, they rebuilt their bond. We also helped Kyle get his driver’s license. Kyle is now our first male GED graduate and is in barber school. Best of all, Sandra accepted Christ! Every service they received was free because of our faithful donors.