About Us


The Problem

Our Solutions

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Barbara’s Story

“I had an amazing dream. I was building a house and trying to connect a light fixture. I did not know how so I asked my Dad to do it. He said He wanted me to connect it and showed me how. When it was connected and the light went on, I suddenly realized I was building not one home, but a city. A beautiful city!

When I woke up, I was overcome by the enormity of it and did not want to do it. God gave me this scripture: “Do not be afraid of the words which I have spoken.” I told the Lord I needed Him to confirm. People began coming up to me and saying the Lord gave them this vision, and that dream. All about houses, all about multiple! All about darkness! I said yes to God. I let go of the mission I was working at and loved, and set my face toward making it happen.

I began to attend every training I could find about trafficking and talking to every person. I decided I had to start a non-profit and put that into motion. God did incredible things to connect me and teach me. We have now established an Outpatient Program working with kids and their parents. We’ve started a GED school.

Our long term goal is to open a safe place for the kids to live. God is moving. He told me: “I want the captives set free. It will be a great exodus!” Refuge City is a pioneer work. Yes, I am a visionary, one who believes that nothing is impossible with God. It is His heart. And His ministry. And His children.”

– Our Founder


Since 2011, we have been a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is faith-based, family-focused, and trauma-informed. We provide support for survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation, who we call “Overcomers.” We do not require a confirmed trafficking history to access our programs. Serving boys and girls ages 11-24, we currently operate as a non-residential organization and are unable to provide housing for those we assist.

How We’re Different


We have Bilingual / Spanish / Vietnamese translators.

We work with boys and girls, 11-24.

We welcome anyone who has been sexually exploited.


We’ve been working with victims of sexual exploitation and/or trafficking for more than a decade.

Our Restorative Care Counselors and Cooks have been with Refuge City for 10 years.

All team members are trained in trauma and certified in Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI).


0% of our Restorative Care Program graduates have returned to trafficking.

Our Restorative Care Program graduates experience 5 success areas here.

Our GED graduates pursue college and vocational training secure higher-paying jobs.

They qualify for better housing options.


We’re on your side, and we won’t give up on you. We know each survivor’s journey to overcomer is unique. Our training has taught us the right balance of keeping in touch without bothering, encouraging without becoming overbearing, and guiding without controlling.


We focus on restoring the family unit, whether that is parent-child or guardian-child.

Meet the Team

CEO and Board Member

Ronna West Cross, JD

GED Teacher

Marie Buetter, EdMA, BS


Kathy Acker, BS

Development Manager

Audrey Hutto, MA, BA

Programs Manager

Frankie Dolliff, MA, BA

Operations Manager, Translator

Laura Hosman, BA


Stacie Silvas, LPC


Cherie Thompson, LPC-S, LCDC


Rhonda Gist, LPC-S


Frankie Pugh, MBA, BSN


Don Pugh, BS

Caregiver Support Volunteer

Delainna Batoon

Consultant, Survivor Leader

Tiffani Price, BS


Lam Dinh


Cindy Cooper, CPA


Sarah Brown, LPC, LCDC, MA

Board Members

Chairman of the Board

Jessica Hinckson, BA


Dawn Waye, CPM

CEO and Board Member

Ronna West Cross, JD

Board Member

Bo Davis

Board Member

Charlie Miller, JD